Beyond Insurance Partners with The Institutes Agent & Broker
Group on a Customized Learning Path Tool
Beyond Insurance collaborates with The Institutes Agent & Broker Group to create a unique, guided learning path tool for Beyond Insurance Global Network (BIGN) members that facilitates continued education, training, and development. The partnership provides the BIGN leaders and all levels of agency staff members with an effective, customized learning survey designed to improve recruitment, enhance the professional development experience, and improve talent retention.
Scott Addis, CEO of Beyond Insurance and Executive Director of the Beyond Insurance Global Network says, “The BIGN prides itself on innovation, differentiation, and transformation. For that reason, Beyond Insurance partnered with The Institutes Agent & Broker Group to create an easy-to-use tool that provides customized technical knowledge assessments and skill-based learning plans for agents and brokers who are members of the BIGN. It is our hope and expectation that the tool will serve as a highly valued recruiting and retention tool. As Nelson Mandela once said, ‘Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.’”
“Creating clear learning pathways is crucial to supporting staff growth and development. We’re excited to partner with BIGN on this custom tool that clearly outlines those pathways based on the staff member’s current role and experience,” says Kate Horowitz, Executive Vice President & Head of Business Units at The Institutes.
The Beyond Insurance Global Network (BIGN) is a select group of independent agencies in two continents with over 2,000 employees and premiums over $2 billion. These passionate, growth-minded firms embrace the Beyond Insurance process, tools, and tactics so they may serve their clients as valued, trusted risk advisors.