Katja Charlene Lewis
We celebrate Black History Month by sharing insights from our enterprise employees. We appreciate this opportunity to recognize the work they do to contribute to an uplifting company culture. Thank you, Katja Charlene Lewis!

What inspired you to get into your current role?
I always had a passion for computers. It was something that I was good at. I learned programming in high school and continued to pursue it in college by enrolling in coding courses. I began working as an intern at the Triple-I during my college days and working on the website was a part of my role. This IT knowledge helped me later in my career to pursue technology and obtain a certificate in web design, which prepared me for my current position.
What accomplishments are you most proud of professionally and/or personally?
Professionally, I am proud to say that I have worked at Triple-I for over 20 years. A few of my titles were intern, executive assistant, production assistant, in which I worked in different departments over the years. My biggest achievement though is my six-year-old son who keeps me focused.
What is something most people don't know about you?
I have an Industrial-Organizational Psychology degree.
What does Black History Month mean to you?
For me, Black History Month has always been a period for reflection and recognition. To acknowledge the sacrifices made by Black people throughout history, which have paved the way for me today. It's also an opportunity to encourage others that they can accomplish their goals despite adversity. Nothing is impossible!